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The ressource describes the dataset obtained by deploying the GAMIC GMWR-25-DP RADAR in the north of Mahé Island, in Seychelles.
This ressource is part of the action 1 of the ESPOIRS Project. Multiple GNSS Stations have been installed or updated in the SWIO and the data are available here. "TO ADD : Different datasets, list of stations, etc ...."
The ressource describes the dataset obtained by deploying the GAMIC GMWR-25-DP RADAR in the South of Reunion Island, in Saint Joseph.
The overall objective of the ESPOIRS project is to obtain a better understanding of the variability, statistical properties and formation mechanisms of intense tropical precipitation at regional and local scales. ESPOIRS is thus interested in the entire life cycle of precipitation at several space-time scales. * Through the analysis of the distribution of the large-scale humidity field which drives the formation of precipitation at the regional scale using a GNSS network. * Through the characterization of internal (dynamics, microphysics) and external (interactions with the relief) processes, which drive the formation and life cycle of extreme weather events at the local scale => transportable Polarized Doppler X-band precipitation radar.
The ressource describes the dataset obtained by deploying the GAMIC GMWR-25-DP RADAR in Toamasina (Tamatave) in Madagascar.