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ReefTEMPS is a network created by the IRD, initially covering some twenty territories and island states in the South, South-West and West Pacific. ReefTEMPS-OI is the Indian Ocean version. The network uses temperature, pressure, salinity and other coastal observables to monitor climate change and its effects on coral reefs and their resources over the long term. ReefTEMPS is part of the French national federative Research Infrastructure for coastal ocean and seashore observations named IR I-LICO, accredited as a National Observation Service (SNO) by the CNRS-INSU Ocean-Atmosphere Commission. ReefTEMPS is operated by ENTROPIE since 2019. Previously, it was created and led by GOPS (a consortium of research observatories in the South Pacific) during the period 2010-2017, then coordinated by UMR LEGOS in 2018. ReefTEMPS-OI, its Indian Ocean version, is operated by OSU-Réunion since 2020.
Since 2012, 3 lidars from the Atmospheric Physics Observatory of La Réunion (OPAR) have been performing aerosol profile measurements at the Maïdo observatory site, located at 2160 meters to the west of the island of La Réunion. These profiles are obtained at several wavelengths, 355nm and 532nm, and there are also depolarized channels at 532nm. The data from these 3 lidars are processed in two stages: initially, the data are manually cleaned of disturbed profiles, either by atmospheric effects, such as the passage of clouds, or by electronic effects like noise. They are then summed over the night. This is the L1b level, and the data are available in the Matlab format (.mat). Subsequently, the data are processed to convert from a profile of received photon number to a profile of aerosol extinction and scattering. The methodology used is based on the Klett calculation at one wavelength. This is the L2b level, and the data are available in the NetCDF format (.nc) with the NDACC convention in the choice of variable names. Therefore, the data are distributed across 6 directories, 2 levels of processing for each lidar. The raw data from the instrument (called L0) are in a proprietary format, the Licel format, and are not accessible in open access, only via FTP with restricted access.
The ressource describes the dataset obtained by deploying the GAMIC GMWR-25-DP RADAR in Toamasina (Tamatave) in Madagascar.
This dataset provides the processed CFH water vapor radiosoundings performed for 5 consecutive nights at the Maïdo Observatory (21.08°S, 55.38°E) on Réunion Island during the period 20-25 January 2022 following the eruption of the Hunga Tonga volcano on 15 January. Réunion Island is in the Southwest Indian Ocean and holds one of the very few atmospheric observatories in the subtropical Southern Hemisphere.
This dataset has been produced in the framework of the CALHYCO research programme: Characterization of hydrodynamics coastal hazards. This dataset contains: 1) in-situ records of water level and wave height parameters from spectral analysis, on a transect perpendicular to the reef, at the reef slope (RS) and the reef flat (RF). 2) Numerical modelling of water levels and wave heights on the reef using the XBeach model in "surf beat" mode A "readme" file, downloadable with the data files, describes the nomenclature of the files and the variables measured. These in-situ surveys took place on the western side of La Reunion Island (Indian Ocean) in a microtidal zone frequently exposed to Southern Ocean swell and cyclonic events. Coral reefs represent an efficient natural mechanical coastal defense against ocean waves. The objective of CALHYCO is to provide a better understanding of the coastal defense characteristics of the reef system against these events.
The ERORUN-STAFOR Observatory Data Management Plan (DMP) is related to the French network of critical zone observatories (OZCAR) located in an insular tropical and volcanic context, integrating a “Tropical Mountain Cloud Forest '' (TMCF). This collaborative observatory is located in the northern part of Réunion island (Indian Ocean) within the watershed of Rivière des Pluies (45.0 km²) which hosts the TMCF of Plaines des Fougères, one of the best preserved natural habitats in Réunion Island. Since 2015, the ERORUN-STAFOR monitoring in collaboration with local partners collected a multidisciplinary dataset with a constant improvement of the instrumentation over time. At the watershed scale and in its vicinity, the ERORUN-STAFOR Observatory includes 10 measurement stations covering the upstream, midstream and downstream part of the watershed. The stations record a total of 48 different variables through continuous (sensors) or periodic (sampling) monitoring. The dataset consists of continuous time series variables related to (i) meteorology, including precipitation, air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, net radiation, atmospheric pressure, cloud water flux, irradiance, leaf wetness and soil temperature, (ii) hydrology, including water level and temperature, discharge and electrical conductivity of stream, (ii) hydrogeology, including groundwater level, water temperature and electrical conductivity in two piezometers and one groundwater gallery completed by soil moisture measurements under the canopy. The database is completed by periodic time series variables related to (iv) hydrogeochemistry, including field parameters and water analysis results. The periodic sampling survey provides chemical and isotopic compositions of rainfall, groundwater, and stream water at different locations of this watershed. The ERORUN-STAFOR monitoring database extends November 2014 to April 2022 with an acquisition frequency from 10 min to hourly for the sensor variables and from weekly to monthly frequency for the sampling. Despite the frequent maintenance of the monitoring sites, several data gaps exist due to the remote location of some sites and instrument destruction by extreme events such as cyclones. This observatory is a unique research site in an insular volcanic tropical environment offering three windows of observation for the study of critical zone processes through upstream-midstream-downstream measurements sites. This high-resolution database is valuable to assess the response of volcanic tropical watersheds and aquifers at both event and long-term scales (i.e. global change). It will also allow various progress in understanding the significant role of the TMCF in the recharge processes, the hydrogeological conceptual model of volcanic islands, the watershed hydro sedimentary responses to extreme climatic events and their respective evolution under changing climatic conditions.
The ressource describes the dataset obtained by deploying the GAMIC GMWR-25-DP RADAR in the north of Mahé Island, in Seychelles.
Le radar mini-BASTA est un radar nuage (95GHz) dédié à l’étude des nuages et du brouillard. Le radar mesure l’énergie rétrodiffusée par les hydrométéores, cette énergie peut donc être reliée à la quantité d’eau contenue dans le nuage (liquide et glace). Il fonctionne en routine quotidiennement sur le site de l’observatoire du Maïdo, sur l'Ile de La Réunion. Ce jeu de données est au niveau L0, et les données sont non calibrées. Paramètre principal: Profil vertical de réflectivité radar, mesure du décalage Doppler. Contexte de la mesure: observation routine.
This ressource is part of the action 1 of the ESPOIRS Project. Multiple GNSS Stations have been installed or updated in the SWIO and the data are available here. "TO ADD : Different datasets, list of stations, etc ...."
Le projet a pour objectif d'améliorer le signal de la pluie détectée par les géophones en comparant les données météorologiques d'un disdromètre, d'un pluviomètre et de 3 géophones afin d'extraire des données des sismographes pour mieux comprendre le transport sédimentaire issu du réseau sismologique installé dans la rivière des pluies et la rivière du Mat. Les objectifs sont : 1) déterminer les caractéristiques sismiques de la pluie sur le site de mesures 2) A terme, comprendre le déclenchement des éboulements et glissements liés aux pluies A court terme, ce projet devrait aussi permettre de : 1) comprendre pour un même type de pluie l'influence de sols de rugosités différentes sur les signaux enregistrés par les sismomètres 2) intégrer/contraindre pour un même type de sol l'influence de types de pluies différentes sur les enregistrements des sismomètres 3) déterminuer l'influence des tailles des gouttes et du nombre de gouttes (indications données par le disdromètre) sur le signal sismique