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  • The ressource describes the dataset obtained by deploying the GAMIC GMWR-25-DP RADAR in the north of Mahé Island, in Seychelles.

  • Le radar BASTA est un radar nuage (95GHz) dédié à l’étude des nuages et du brouillard. Le radar mesure l’énergie rétrodiffusée par les hydrométéores, cette énergie peut donc être reliée à la quantité d’eau contenue dans le nuage (liquide et glace). Il fonctionne en routine quotidiennement sur le site de l’observatoire du Maïdo, sur l'Ile de La Réunion. Le radar BASTA Réunion a été calibré au LATMOS avant son installation à la Réunion. Ce jeu de données est au format niveau L0. Paramètre principal: Profil vertical de réflectivité radar, mesure du décalage Doppler. Contexte de la mesure: observation routine.

  • This dataset encompasses model outputs generated by the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) regional climate model. A high-resolution (~1km) downscaling simulation was performed over two tropical islands, Reunion and Mauritius, situated in the South-West Indian Ocean (SWIO), with initial and boundary conditions provided by the ERA5 reanalysis with a global resolution of 0.25° × 0.25°. The simulation used three nested domains sequentially configured with spatial resolutions of 9, 3, and 1km, respectively, with a downscaling ratio of 3. The physical configurations of this simulation were determined through previous modeling studies and sensitivity tests. The published simulation data currently covers a period of 10 years, starting from 1991 (with the possibility to be extended to 30 years). Over 60 output variables were selected for publication with open access, including those related to the intermittent energy resources (e.g., surface solar radiation and its direct/diffuse components, wind speed/direction at multiple vertical levels, and precipitation, of interest for the run-off-river hydropower), as well as the widely used climatic/meteorological variables (e.g., temperature, pressure, humidity, etc.) at a temporal resolution varying from a day up to 30 minutes. All the data are available through an open-access data server, where an intelligent algorithm is applied to simplify the download process for data users. For the first time, a long-term, high-resolution climate/meteorological dataset covering Reunion and Mauritius has been simulated and published as open-access data, yielding substantial benefits to studies on climate modeling, weather forecasting, and even those related to climate change in the SWIO region. In particular, this dataset will enable a better understanding of the temporal and spatial characteristics of intermittent climate-related energy resources, consequently facilitating their implementation towards a green and low-carbon future.

  • The coastline or shoreline is the geographical boundary between sea and land. It corresponds according to the SHOM to "the leash of the highest seas in the context of an astronomical tide of coefficient 120 and under normal weather conditions (without overcost phenomenon). The coastline as defined above is not directly identifiable continuously on the ground or on a satellite or aerial image. From a perspective of studying the displacement of the shoreline, indicators allow us to approach this notion (the vegetation limit associated with the infrastructure limit, the beach limit, etc.). On the reef shoreline of Reunion Island the limit of vegetation and infrastructure as well as beach limit were retained. This limit results in the production of a line-type vector geographic information layer in a GIS resulting from photo-interpolation on the orthophotos of IGN also called BD ORTHO. BD ORTHO is a component of the RGE®. These are digital color orthophotos supplied in raster format (tiff, ecw, ..). An orthophotography is a digital image that has the same metrics as a map of the same projection for the same elements on the ground. They have been available since 1997 in Réunion with a five-year repeatability. Their spatial resolution increased from 1 m in 1997 to 50 cm in 2003. UMR Espace-Dev

  • Radiomètre micron-onde de haute précision pour la mesure de profils atmosphériques de vapeur d'eau et de température en continue

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    The ERORUN-STAFOR Observatory Data Management Plan (DMP) is related to the French network of critical zone observatories (OZCAR) located in an insular tropical and volcanic context, integrating a “Tropical Mountain Cloud Forest '' (TMCF). This collaborative observatory is located in the northern part of Réunion island (Indian Ocean) within the watershed of Rivière des Pluies (45.0 km²) which hosts the TMCF of Plaines des Fougères, one of the best preserved natural habitats in Réunion Island. Since 2015, the ERORUN-STAFOR monitoring in collaboration with local partners collected a multidisciplinary dataset with a constant improvement of the instrumentation over time. At the watershed scale and in its vicinity, the ERORUN-STAFOR Observatory includes 10 measurement stations covering the upstream, midstream and downstream part of the watershed. The stations record a total of 48 different variables through continuous (sensors) or periodic (sampling) monitoring. The dataset consists of continuous time series variables related to (i) meteorology, including precipitation, air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, net radiation, atmospheric pressure, cloud water flux, irradiance, leaf wetness and soil temperature, (ii) hydrology, including water level and temperature, discharge and electrical conductivity of stream, (ii) hydrogeology, including groundwater level, water temperature and electrical conductivity in two piezometers and one groundwater gallery completed by soil moisture measurements under the canopy. The database is completed by periodic time series variables related to (iv) hydrogeochemistry, including field parameters and water analysis results. The periodic sampling survey provides chemical and isotopic compositions of rainfall, groundwater, and stream water at different locations of this watershed. The ERORUN-STAFOR monitoring database extends November 2014 to April 2022 with an acquisition frequency from 10 min to hourly for the sensor variables and from weekly to monthly frequency for the sampling. Despite the frequent maintenance of the monitoring sites, several data gaps exist due to the remote location of some sites and instrument destruction by extreme events such as cyclones. This observatory is a unique research site in an insular volcanic tropical environment offering three windows of observation for the study of critical zone processes through upstream-midstream-downstream measurements sites. This high-resolution database is valuable to assess the response of volcanic tropical watersheds and aquifers at both event and long-term scales (i.e. global change). It will also allow various progress in understanding the significant role of the TMCF in the recharge processes, the hydrogeological conceptual model of volcanic islands, the watershed hydro sedimentary responses to extreme climatic events and their respective evolution under changing climatic conditions.

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    The dataset of the first observatory from the French network of critical zone observatories (OZCAR) located in an insular tropical and volcanic context, integrating a “Tropical Montane Cloud Forest”: The ERORUN-STAFOR observatory. This collaborative observatory is located in the northern part of La Réunion island (Indian Ocean) within the watershed of Rivière des Pluies (45.0 km²) which hosts the TMCF of Plaines des Fougères, one of the best preserved natural habitats in La Réunion Island. Since 2015, the ERORUN-STAFOR monitoring in collaboration with local partners collected a multidisciplinary dataset with a constant improvement of the instrumentation over time. At the watershed scale and in its vicinity, the ERORUN-STAFOR observatory includes 10 measurement stations covering the upstream, midstream and downstream part of the watershed. The stations record a total of 48 different variables through continuous (sensors) or periodic (sampling) monitoring. The dataset consists of continuous time series variables related to (i) meteorology, including precipitation, air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, net radiation, atmospheric pressure, cloud water flux, irradiance, leaf wetness and soil temperature (ii) hydrology, including water level and temperature, discharge and electrical conductivity (EC) of stream, (iii) hydrogeology, including groundwater level, water temperature and EC in two piezometers and one groundwater gallery completed by soil moisture measurements under the canopy. The dataset is completed by periodic time series variables related to (iv) hydrogeochemistry, including field parameters and water analysis results. The periodic sampling survey provides chemical and isotopic compositions of rainfall, groundwater, and stream water at different locations of this watershed. The ERORUN-STAFOR monitoring dataset extends from 2014 to 2022 with an acquisition frequency from 10 min to hourly for the sensor variables and from weekly to monthly frequency for the sampling. Despite the frequent maintenance of the monitoring sites, several data gaps exist due to the remote location of some sites and instrument destruction by cyclones. This observatory is a unique research site in an insular volcanic tropical environment offering three windows of observation for the study of critical zone processes through upstream-midstream-downstream measurements sites. This high-resolution dataset is valuable to assess the response of volcanic tropical watersheds and aquifers at both event and long-term scales (i.e. global change). It will also allow various progress in understanding the significant role of the TMCFs in the recharge processes, the hydrogeological conceptual model of volcanic islands, the watershed hydrosedimentary responses to extreme climatic events and their respective evolution under changing climatic conditions.

  • The coastline or shoreline is the geographical boundary between sea and land. It corresponds according to the SHOM to "the leash of the highest seas in the context of an astronomical tide of coefficient 120 and under normal weather conditions (without overcost phenomenon). The coastline as defined above is not directly identifiable continuously on the ground or on a satellite or aerial image. From a perspective of studying the displacement of the shoreline, indicators allow us to approach this notion (the vegetation limit associated with the infrastructure limit, the beach limit, etc.). On the reef shoreline of Reunion Island the limit of vegetation and infrastructure as well as beach limit were retained. This limit results in the production of a line-type vector geographic information layer in a GIS resulting from the photo-interpolation on Pléiades satellite images. Pleiades satellite images from the Kalideos Réunion database (CNES) have been used since 2016 to study the position of the shoreline annually. Launched in 2011, Pléiades is a very high spatial resolution spatial image system (panchromatic optical instrument at 70 cm and 2.8 m multispectral) operating in the visible and near infrared with a swath of 20 km UMR Espace-Dev

  • Climatological data from the meteo station of Piton Fougeres (alt.1300 m), Reunion Island - Air temperature - Air relative humidity - Soil temperature - Soil humidity - Leaf wetness sensor - Pluviometry - Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR)